Nature’s Thought Palaces: Daniella Dooling and Mike Glier

Opening Sunday May 21, 2023


Nature’s Thought Palaces
Daniella Dooling – Sculpture
Mike Glier – Painting and Drawing

Human sensory perceptions – like all living entities are limited. Our particular sense organs receive only the information that has provided advantages for our species over evolutionary timescales. Given how little of other species umwelts we can comprehend, if we are curious about other realities we can try to expand our experience by watching behaviors, reading science texts and attempting to fill in the blanks intellectually. If we are lucky to live with animals we can let them set our agendas and see what attracts them to linger. But even as we try to compensate by reading and studying, pretending actual comprehension remains at best an enjoyable folly, our desires and the way we fill in the blanks revealing much about our sense organs and thoughts, desires and imaginations as humans, building marvelous thought palaces around our limitations.

Daniella Dooling in her sculptures and Mike Glier in his paintings and drawings regard nature at one level – birds, bears and bobcats fill the gallery space. Yet on another profound level they are considering the timeless human desire to get beyond our species based limitations and expand our consciousness through meditating on the lives and experiences of the non human beings with whom we are lucky to share a planet.