Now in its ninth year, Social Photography brings together cell phone pictures of participants from a wide range of disciplines, generations, and places. In the spirit of broad access to cell phone image making technology, the emphasis of the project leans toward sensibility and the anecdotal over skill and mastery of the medium of photography.
Taking advantage of technologies that allow for images to be sent from anywhere, which are then formatted, printed, and displayed in an in-person exhibition at carriage trade, the range of participants in Social Photography reflect both the gallery’s community in Lower Manhattan as well those associated with it in other parts of the world. Linking the virtual with the physical through an online display that is then presented in print form, Social Photography IX might be seen as a counterpoint to the increased placelessness of remote exchanges normalized in the pandemic-era.
Spanning nearly a decade, the growing, informal archive of Social Photography cell phone pictures occasionally reflect significant local, national, and international events (Occupy Wall Street, George Floyd protests, U.S. presidential elections, pro-democracy movements in Hong Kong) existing side by side with the everyday, the personal, the urban, and the domestic.
With a limited curatorial directive, trends are inevitable (a slight increase in pet photos this year is most likely a result of increased time spent indoors during the pandemic), while the elusive nature of where to “put” cell phone photography with respect to hierarchies of photographic image production (fine art photography, photojournalism, social media fodder) remains intact. What began in 2011 as an investigation of a novelty medium which simultaneously offered an alternative to the conventional non-profit benefit exhibition has become a kind of tradition, as it sustains and expands carriage trade’s community through its many participants, while helping support the gallery’s upcoming projects.
Social Photography IX Contributors:
Dennis Adams / Peggy Ahwesh / Lucas Ajemian / Graham Anderson / Michele Araujo / Michael Ashkin / Hallie Ayres / Mengfan Bai / Agnes Barley / James Barondess / Madeline Bach / David Baskin / William Beaudoin / Lisa Beck / Philip Bednarski / Peter Bellamy / Catherine Belloy / Amy Ben-Ezra / Theodora Ben-Ezra / Liz Berg / Julien Bismuth / Joi Bittle / Lisa Blas / Ann Bobco Richard Bosman / F.P. Boué / Norman Brosterman / Robert Brush / Christine Burgin / Bibs Carlsen Antoine Catala / Alejandro Cesarco / Danny Chau / Myrel Chernick / Stella Cilman / Mary Clarke / Matt Connors / Eli Coplan / Jeri Coppola / Fred Cray / Jody Culkin / Reilly Davidson / Mira Dayal / David Deutsch / Georgie Devereux / Daniella Dooling / Saskia Draxler / Paul Druecke / Anne-Claire Duprat / Peter Fend / Bernadette Fiscina / Elias Fokine / Andrea Frank / Susan Gamble & Michael Wenyon / Rainer Ganahl / Marc Ganzglass / Victor Esther Garcia / Hunter Gause / Jeff Gibson / Liam Gillick / Andrew Ginzel / Robert Goldman / Jasmine Golestaneh / Kathy Goncharov / Michelle Grabner / Ethan Greenbaum / Barbara Gundlach / Clair Gunther / Cynthia Hawkins-Owen Anthony Hawley / Lorna Hayden / Duy Hoàng / James Hoff / Laura Hunt / Scott Indrisek / E. J. / Bryn Jayes / Neil Jenney / Lulu Jiang / Danielle Johnson / Werner Kaligofsky / Craig Kalpakjian / Simone Kearney / Douglas S. Kehl / Kara Kendall / Mathias Kessler / Anjali Khosla / Anna Kleberg Tham / Essye Klempner / Hilary Kliros / Nicholas Knight / Udomsak Krisanamis / Nina Kuo / Stephen Lack / Justen Ladda / Marc Lafia / Eugenia Lai / Erik LaPrade / Louise Lawler / Elizabeth LeCompte / Mika Lee / Maggie Lee / Simon Leung / Max Levin / Matthew Li / Laura Li / Wenxiao Li / Nora Ligorano / Lysjs Lim Ming Lin / Jeanne Liotta / Hsiang Hsi Lu / Judith Luongo / Stephen Maine / Jiří Makovec / Sakura Maku / Adam Marnie / Vijay Masharani / Esperanza Mayobre / Tom McGlynn / Jessica Mensch / Emilie Meyer Molly Miller / Veronika Molnar / Sojung Moon / Andrew Moore / Lucy Mullican / Real Salvator Mundi / Muntadas / Christian Nagel / Diane Nerwen / Chee Wang Ng / Isabella Norris / Almost Not / John Oakes / Kristin Ordahl / Daylon Orr / Hannah Park Laura Parnes / Stephan Pascher / Gelah Penn / Andreas Petrossiants / Zoe Pettijohn Schade / Michael Poetschko / Jeff Preiss / R.H. Quaytman / Lee Ranaldo / Xander Rapparport / Marshall Reese Calvin Reid / Alejandro Ribadeneira / Walter Robinson / Daniel Roche / Aura Rosenberg / Lorin Roser Betty Roytburd / Ryan Rusiecki / Vicky Sambunaris / Valerie Saputra / Ken Saylor / John Schabel / Jeffrey Schiff / Heidi Schlatter / Diana Schmertz / Nadine Schmied / Kristina Schmidt / Gary Schneider Barry Schwabsky / Michael Scott / Felicity Scott / Anne Katrine Senstad / Jacques Servin / Elaine Sexton Trevor Shimizu / Zhi Shu / Amie Siegel / James Siena / Shelly Silver / Adam Simon / Jason Simon / Day Sinclair / Leah Singer / Janice Sloane / Inna Smolina / Molly Soda / Claudia Sohrens / Andy Steinitz / Gary Stephan / Steel Stillman / Charles Stobbs III / Carol Szymanski / Sikay Tang / Gwenn Thomas / Colin Thomson / Cassidy Toner / Momoyo Torimitsu / Dan Torop / Sophie Tottie / Kristal Uribe / Gail Vachon / Pegi Vail / Kate Valk / Ali Van / Lotte Van den Audenaeren / Liselot van der Heijden / Virginia Inés Vergara / Doris Vila / Julia Wachtel / Chloe Walecki / Max Warsh / William Wegman / Barbara Weissberger / James Welling / Elvia Wilk / Tonero Williams / Scott Williams / Nechama Winston David Winter / B. Wurtz / C. Spencer Yeh / Sun You / H Spencer Young / John Yu / Michael Zansky / Jiajia Zhang
*Preview begins Wednesday, July 21 at 2PM / Online sales begin Friday, July 23 at 2PM
Undercurrents at the Ely Center of Contemporary Art
/in group exhibition, review, Uncategorized /by ddooling@earthlink.net
The Queen of Spades…and other stories
/in art opening, group exhibition /by ddooling@earthlink.netBienvenu Steinberg & Partner
January 13 – February 26, 2022
The Queen of Spades
First published in 1833, Alexander Pushkin’s enigmatic The Queen of Spades is one of the major classics of Russian literature. It has been the inspiration of operas, films and exhaustive critical study. Less known, and sometimes intentionally obscured, is the history of Pushkin’s African ancestry. Abram Petrovich Gannibal, Pushkin’s maternal great grandfather, rose out of slavery to become a general in Tsar Peter the Great’s armies.
Commissioned by Eminence Grise Editions, three outstanding artists, Derrick Adams, Outtara Watts and Fred Wilson have entered personal responses into the dialogue generated by their fascination with Pushkin and the story. Derrick Adams’ works pay tribute to the two female characters, Countess N and her lady in waiting. In Fred Wilson’s suite of three images the black spade emerges to overwhelm and obscure depictions of a courtly lady and gentleman. Echoing Fyodor Dostoevsky’s statement that Pushkin’s tale represents “the pinnacle of the art of the fantastic,” Ouattara Watts has created two hallucinatory visions.
And other stories
Also included in the exhibition are recent Eminence Grise editions that hint at narratives that are never made fully explicit. Deborah Brown’s Death Maiden, depicting a naked canoeist and her dog paddling on a lake in a forbidding forest, evokes a haunted journey. Editioned in aquatint and chine-collé, each color variant engenders a chromatic series of emotional responses. Using a recently invented digital technology, Daniella Dooling’s assemblages of abandoned surgical masks poses questions about the fate of both the individuals who once wore them and about the anxieties of our pandemic dominated culture. Sara Jimenez’s monumental Radiating from a dark cloud…, is a montage of various photographs from American colonial texts about the Philippines, inspired by staged portraits by American and European photographers of the Filipinx population during the early 1900s.
/in art review /by ddooling@earthlink.net
The Secret Life of Objects at Magenta Plains
/in art opening, group exhibition /by ddooling@earthlink.netCurated by Barbara Ess and organized by Peggy Ahwesh
September 7-October 9, 2021
Her Power
/in group exhibition, online exhibition /by ddooling@earthlink.netAn international exhibition curated by Zhen Guo and Wenling Zhao through The Art of Nature Gallery in Hong Kong. Scene 9+9 part 2 features the work of Peggy Ahwesh, Hong Bian, Daniella Dooling, Jingyi Wang, Susan Wides, Yulin Huang.
Smallbany Gallery, Albany NY 8/22-8/28
/in Uncategorized /by ddooling@earthlink.net

Social Photography IX at Carriage Trade
/in benefit, group exhibition, Uncategorized /by ddooling@earthlink.netNow in its ninth year, Social Photography brings together cell phone pictures of participants from a wide range of disciplines, generations, and places. In the spirit of broad access to cell phone image making technology, the emphasis of the project leans toward sensibility and the anecdotal over skill and mastery of the medium of photography.
Taking advantage of technologies that allow for images to be sent from anywhere, which are then formatted, printed, and displayed in an in-person exhibition at carriage trade, the range of participants in Social Photography reflect both the gallery’s community in Lower Manhattan as well those associated with it in other parts of the world. Linking the virtual with the physical through an online display that is then presented in print form, Social Photography IX might be seen as a counterpoint to the increased placelessness of remote exchanges normalized in the pandemic-era.
Spanning nearly a decade, the growing, informal archive of Social Photography cell phone pictures occasionally reflect significant local, national, and international events (Occupy Wall Street, George Floyd protests, U.S. presidential elections, pro-democracy movements in Hong Kong) existing side by side with the everyday, the personal, the urban, and the domestic.
With a limited curatorial directive, trends are inevitable (a slight increase in pet photos this year is most likely a result of increased time spent indoors during the pandemic), while the elusive nature of where to “put” cell phone photography with respect to hierarchies of photographic image production (fine art photography, photojournalism, social media fodder) remains intact. What began in 2011 as an investigation of a novelty medium which simultaneously offered an alternative to the conventional non-profit benefit exhibition has become a kind of tradition, as it sustains and expands carriage trade’s community through its many participants, while helping support the gallery’s upcoming projects.
Social Photography IX Contributors:
Dennis Adams / Peggy Ahwesh / Lucas Ajemian / Graham Anderson / Michele Araujo / Michael Ashkin / Hallie Ayres / Mengfan Bai / Agnes Barley / James Barondess / Madeline Bach / David Baskin / William Beaudoin / Lisa Beck / Philip Bednarski / Peter Bellamy / Catherine Belloy / Amy Ben-Ezra / Theodora Ben-Ezra / Liz Berg / Julien Bismuth / Joi Bittle / Lisa Blas / Ann Bobco Richard Bosman / F.P. Boué / Norman Brosterman / Robert Brush / Christine Burgin / Bibs Carlsen Antoine Catala / Alejandro Cesarco / Danny Chau / Myrel Chernick / Stella Cilman / Mary Clarke / Matt Connors / Eli Coplan / Jeri Coppola / Fred Cray / Jody Culkin / Reilly Davidson / Mira Dayal / David Deutsch / Georgie Devereux / Daniella Dooling / Saskia Draxler / Paul Druecke / Anne-Claire Duprat / Peter Fend / Bernadette Fiscina / Elias Fokine / Andrea Frank / Susan Gamble & Michael Wenyon / Rainer Ganahl / Marc Ganzglass / Victor Esther Garcia / Hunter Gause / Jeff Gibson / Liam Gillick / Andrew Ginzel / Robert Goldman / Jasmine Golestaneh / Kathy Goncharov / Michelle Grabner / Ethan Greenbaum / Barbara Gundlach / Clair Gunther / Cynthia Hawkins-Owen Anthony Hawley / Lorna Hayden / Duy Hoàng / James Hoff / Laura Hunt / Scott Indrisek / E. J. / Bryn Jayes / Neil Jenney / Lulu Jiang / Danielle Johnson / Werner Kaligofsky / Craig Kalpakjian / Simone Kearney / Douglas S. Kehl / Kara Kendall / Mathias Kessler / Anjali Khosla / Anna Kleberg Tham / Essye Klempner / Hilary Kliros / Nicholas Knight / Udomsak Krisanamis / Nina Kuo / Stephen Lack / Justen Ladda / Marc Lafia / Eugenia Lai / Erik LaPrade / Louise Lawler / Elizabeth LeCompte / Mika Lee / Maggie Lee / Simon Leung / Max Levin / Matthew Li / Laura Li / Wenxiao Li / Nora Ligorano / Lysjs Lim Ming Lin / Jeanne Liotta / Hsiang Hsi Lu / Judith Luongo / Stephen Maine / Jiří Makovec / Sakura Maku / Adam Marnie / Vijay Masharani / Esperanza Mayobre / Tom McGlynn / Jessica Mensch / Emilie Meyer Molly Miller / Veronika Molnar / Sojung Moon / Andrew Moore / Lucy Mullican / Real Salvator Mundi / Muntadas / Christian Nagel / Diane Nerwen / Chee Wang Ng / Isabella Norris / Almost Not / John Oakes / Kristin Ordahl / Daylon Orr / Hannah Park Laura Parnes / Stephan Pascher / Gelah Penn / Andreas Petrossiants / Zoe Pettijohn Schade / Michael Poetschko / Jeff Preiss / R.H. Quaytman / Lee Ranaldo / Xander Rapparport / Marshall Reese Calvin Reid / Alejandro Ribadeneira / Walter Robinson / Daniel Roche / Aura Rosenberg / Lorin Roser Betty Roytburd / Ryan Rusiecki / Vicky Sambunaris / Valerie Saputra / Ken Saylor / John Schabel / Jeffrey Schiff / Heidi Schlatter / Diana Schmertz / Nadine Schmied / Kristina Schmidt / Gary Schneider Barry Schwabsky / Michael Scott / Felicity Scott / Anne Katrine Senstad / Jacques Servin / Elaine Sexton Trevor Shimizu / Zhi Shu / Amie Siegel / James Siena / Shelly Silver / Adam Simon / Jason Simon / Day Sinclair / Leah Singer / Janice Sloane / Inna Smolina / Molly Soda / Claudia Sohrens / Andy Steinitz / Gary Stephan / Steel Stillman / Charles Stobbs III / Carol Szymanski / Sikay Tang / Gwenn Thomas / Colin Thomson / Cassidy Toner / Momoyo Torimitsu / Dan Torop / Sophie Tottie / Kristal Uribe / Gail Vachon / Pegi Vail / Kate Valk / Ali Van / Lotte Van den Audenaeren / Liselot van der Heijden / Virginia Inés Vergara / Doris Vila / Julia Wachtel / Chloe Walecki / Max Warsh / William Wegman / Barbara Weissberger / James Welling / Elvia Wilk / Tonero Williams / Scott Williams / Nechama Winston David Winter / B. Wurtz / C. Spencer Yeh / Sun You / H Spencer Young / John Yu / Michael Zansky / Jiajia Zhang
*Preview begins Wednesday, July 21 at 2PM / Online sales begin Friday, July 23 at 2PM
The Current Thing 2020
/in publication /by ddooling@earthlink.net
Material Matters
/in art opening, group exhibition /by ddooling@earthlink.netat Seager/Gallery in Mill Valley, California on view March 3-31, 2020. Artists include Robert Adams, Dean Allison, Gale Antokal, Adrian Arleo, Kay Bradner, Joe Brubaker, Lia Cook, Stephen Paul Day, Daniella Dooling, Jane Hambleton, Michael Janis, Lisa Kokin, Dana Lynn Louis, Jann Nunn, Emily Payne, Sibylle Peretti, Ross Richmond, Jane Rosen, Liz Steketee, Susan Stover, Tim Tate, Jessica Williams and Aggie Zed.
Maintaining Sanity
/in group exhibition /by ddooling@earthlink.netat Kerry Schuss Gallery, 73 Leonard Street, New York, NY with Robert Barber, Daniella Dooling, Ryan Foerster, Monica Forrestall, Joanne Greenbaum, Rudy Heintze, Ken Johnson, Vince Leo, Les LeVeque, Alice Mackler, Anna Rosen, Hal Saulson, and Jocko Weyland